About Me

I love telling stories about our amazing planet and the incredible people working to protect and restore it. 

From the forests of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo to the floating villages of Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Lake to the wetlands of Argentina, I have traveled all over the world to profile conservation projects and interview people on the ground. I excel at nuanced, character-driven stories that evoke a sense of place and don’t oversimplify. 

In more than 15 years of working for the world’s leading environmental organizations, I’ve gained extensive experience communicating on a variety of topics, from ocean exploration to the illegal wildlife trade to the traditional knowledge of indigenous communities. 

While running the blog of Conservation International, I worked with hundreds of authors to hone their unique voices and perspectives and amplify them on the organization’s main storytelling platform.

In a role supporting USAID’s Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE), I produced a series of stories highlighting not just urgent conservation challenges, but also signs of hope and joy from a region often undervalued and misunderstood by the rest of the world.

As the editorial lead for World Resources Institute’s climate program, I produced op-eds, blogs, podcasts, videos and other materials designed to help accelerate global climate policy.

Outside of work, my interests include playing taiko (Japanese drums), going on walks with my dog, and zero-waste cooking. 

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Molly Bergen headshot

photo courtesy of Tim Noviello